A special commission from a high school classmate (and newly discovered cousin). “Dakota” showcases nine different scenes of our native North Dakota. We spent hours emailing back & forth; trying to find the perfect mix of images from North Dakota that were significant to him. The endless blue sky, rolling farmlands, gorgeous sunset and a treasured family windmill all made the final cut. This piece is dear to my heart and I am very honored that it hangs in Tim’s home.
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Hi Theresa! Dakota turned out great! You managed to take all the thoughts & ideas and pulled them together . . . as if magic (that’s coming from a non-artist of course)! The canvas reflects your work and talent. You most certainly did a beautiful job with Dakota! Thank You!
Thank you, Tim! You are so welcome! I very much enjoyed this project and am thrilled that you are happy with the end result. It was a pleasure working with you.