Sensory Perception

Sensory Perception

I fancy myself a collector of amazements. I am forever unearthing interesting objects to take home, or, at least photographing my non-portable finds. Inevitably, a lot of those amazing things end up in my paintings.  I’ve now done several “Collection of...
The Tale of Tansy (part 2)

The Tale of Tansy (part 2)

Flash forward about six years. The fairy craze died down. My creative nature had moved onward to other subjects, but I would still paint a fairy or two a year, just for fun. (Most often in the spring when the new flowers and sunshine would inspire me to venture Into...
The Tale of Tansy (part 1)

The Tale of Tansy (part 1)

I have forever been an ardent fan of the Faerie Realm. My first crush was on Disney’s Tinkerbell, which quickly morphed into a full-blown love affair with the ethereal world, and its mythical creatures. Little girl ballerina-dreams would usually involve some...
The Catbird Seat

The Catbird Seat

Definitely a play on words and creatures! An old expression that can sometimes still be heard describing Nascar drivers or  baseball players (like a batter with three balls and no strikes on him). “The catbird seat” is an American English idiomatic...
Hope (Lost and Found)

Hope (Lost and Found)

Hope… It is easy to lose, and sometimes very hard to find. The eyes will always show it. Our eyes reflect our history.  The souvenirs we have collected on our life’s journey are written in our miraculous eyes. They speak of how we have been to the raw,...